In 2014, CEOMC led the fight to protect CAM’s, Florida’s homeowners, and Community Associations from legal jeopardy as it relates to the “unlicensed practice of law” – a third-degree felony. Common Association practices such as declaring a quorum at a Board meeting, hiring licensed service professionals (pool cleaners, landscape maintenance, roofing contractors, etc.) and other ministerial tasks were being alleged by the Florida Bar as activities ONLY lawyers should be allowed to provide. Therefore, Associations would have been required to hire expensive lawyers to provide these services instead of their licensed, professional CAM’s. Thanks to legislation filed at the request of CEOMC and signed into law in 2014 over the objection of the Florida Bar (House Bill 7037), Associations were protected from increased monthly fees and assessments to pay for those lawyers and CAM’s were spared from costly legal liability and the probable outcome of being unemployed. The 2014 law permits those activities alleged as UPL to continue being provided under Florida’s existing CAM licensure and regulatory structure.
“New law aims to protect homeowner associations from pricey attorney fees”
“Legislature passes bill on community association managers”
“HOAs vs Lawyers”