Media & Events
CEOMC Candidate Interviews – South Florida
South Florida CEOMC candidate interviews will be held on Thursday, September 17, 2020.
CEOMC Candidate Interviews – Orlando
Orlando CEOMC candidate interviews will be held on Wednesday, September 23, 2020.
CEOMC’s 6th Annual Corporate Leadership Dinner
CEOMC Protected Associations From Short Term Rentals
Proposed regulatory uniformity for short-term rental platforms is ready for the House floor after Thursday’s Commerce Committee.
Save the Date – June 20, 2019
CEOMC invites you for an intimate evening with the CEOs and licensed CAMs of Florida’s community management companies to network and learn about the latest association trends.
CEOMC Opposed 2019 Short Term Rental Bill
Some 10 million homeowners live in neighborhoods with community associations and are protected by time-honored, deed restrictions adopted by a majority…
April 15, 2019 Update with Rep. Chip LaMarca
2019 Legislative Update with CEOMC Executive Director Mark Anderson and Rep. Chip LaMarca.
CEOMC Defeated Short Term Rental Bill
Proposals to pre-empt local regulations with state oversight of Florida’s $31 billion short-term vacation rental industry are unlikely to advance this session with measures in…
2018 CEO Dinner
View pictures from the CEOMC 2018 CEO Dinner.
Undercover Boss
John Carona, founder and CEO of Associa, the leader in community association management for more than 37 years that oversees the day-to-day operations of over 9,000 HOAs and condominiums and...
CEOMC Guided Compromise on Estoppel Industry Fight (HB 483) in 2017
After defeating egregious attacks on associations and homeowners during the 2015 and 2016 legislative sessions, our 2017 efforts forced the previously…
Don’t estoppel believing: Now it’s a law
After years of unsuccessfully fighting its way through the Legislature, the estoppel bill is now law. Gov. Rick Scott Tuesday signed the measure (SB 398), which overhauls the...
Politico: Estoppel Bill Heads to Governor
The years long legislative fight over estoppel certificates, documents used in residential property sales to certify no outstanding debts to condo or homeowner associations, could soon be put to...
Florida Politics: Estoppel Bill Heads to Governor
We’ve been writing about it for years, all the while wondering ‘why,’ but 2017 was the winning session for an overhaul of the estoppel letter process. The House on Friday passed the Senate’s bill...
Sprinkler Retrofitting Requirements
Secretary Lawson: As you are aware based upon our conversation, I have heard from my constituents about the apparent confusion relating to the enforcement and applicability…
CEOMC Defeated Increased Fees and Punitive Fines on CAM’s
In 2016, CEOMC defeated legislation (House Bill 1375/Senate Bill 1122) that would have: Imposed a new fee of $2 on every home within a Homeowner Association (HOA) in Florida…
CEOMC Defeated Unnecessary Regulation and Increased Costs
In 2016, CEOMC led efforts to defeat anti-homeowner, anti-Association legislation (House Bill’s 1357, 1405) that would have: Removed historic legal rights for…
CEOMC Defeated anti-Estoppel Certificate Legislation (aka “The Home Tax”)
In 2015 and again in 2016, CEOMC defeated harmful, anti-CAM, anti-Association legislation (House Bill 203/Senate Bill 722) that would have…
HOAs vs. Lawyers
A new Florida law will allow homeowner association managers statewide to continue performing aspects of their jobs that attorneys had argued should have been their purview.
CEOMC Defeated Predatory Lawyer Attacks on the Management Profession re: the “Unlicensed Practice of Law”
In 2014, CEOMC led the fight to protect CAM’s, Florida’s homeowners, and Community Associations from legal jeopardy…
New law aims to protect homeowner associations from pricey attorney fees
A new law takes effect next Tuesday clarifying what community association managers can do without having to hire an attorney.
Legislature passes bill on community association managers
Lawmakers this week passed a measure clarifying what community association managers can do without having to hire an attorney.
Homeowner group managers bill heads to Gov. Scott
Mangers of homeowners associations, fearing a pending court decision that could restrict their duties, are cheering the passage of HB 7037, which expands and the activities…
Court case could increase cost for homeowners associations
A pending opinion from the Florida Supreme Court could dramatically increase operating costs for thousands of homeowner associations statewide and…